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4 Tips for Creating Effective Video Ads For Small Businesses

Updated: Oct 13, 2021

Video, video advertising, SEO, digital marketing
Video advertising for small businesses

As digital media continues to advance over time, this has led to a significant increase in the types of interactive content, from VR to infographics. The use of video marketing has been adopted by many small to medium size businesses across a variety of industries, and it is on the rise. In fact, according to Hubspot, more than 50% of consumers like to see video content from brands.

Here are a couple of tips on creating effective video ads:

1. Plan out your video’s objectives

Every video advertisement should have an objective and the main message for your target audience. Your video should also include a call to action, compelling your viewers to take a specific action after being influenced by your video; such as making a purchase, signing up for an event, or subscription, and sharing your content on social media, etc. For better results ensure to employ a storyboard and keywords in your video script.

2. Focus on engaging content

The first few seconds of every video are critical, as it is essentially what grabs the viewer’s attention, and pressure is put on how to keep them engaged so that they continue to watch the rest of the video.

Start your video with a statement; you want to hook your audience with something they can relate to, whether it be by addressing a common concern, asking a question, sharing a fact, etc. Beginning your videos with great visuals can also spark interest.

3. Select the right type of video

Depending on the main message you want to send across to your audience, it’s also important to offer a variety of different types of video ads. Vary the type of video format you use from time to time, you can select from interviews, live videos, service/product demonstrations, reviews, and educational content.

Ensure your video content is engaging, informative, and appealing for viewers while keeping their attention span focused.

4. Select the right platforms

When it comes to presenting your video ads, it’s important to know which social platform is right for you and your target audience. Determine which platform is most likely to drive more engagement and viewers for your video ads. Keep in mind that YouTube and Facebook are both popular video platforms for small businesses’ video ads.

Accessibility is also key, where all video ads should be mobile-friendly as well as include captions.

Contact us today to see how we can assist you in creating strategic video ads that give your viewers a brief glimpse of what your business is all about, and convert your leads for long-term results.

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